Sunday, June 14, 2009

Networking: A Simple Way That Can Supercharge Your Employability

No, I am not talking about the social network sites like Facebook and Twitter that have become a phenomenon nowadays. I am simply talking about the networking among people face-to-face via networking events. Here, we will give you reasons why networking is so important to supercharge your employability:

Reason 1 – Build network
This may sound super obvious, but networking can build your network in lightning fast pace. You have the chance to meet new people of diverse interest and background. The more people you meet, the better your employability chance are. Attend talks, seminars, workshops and forums that interest you. Attend these activities. And, guess what? You will find people of similar interest over there and you can start mingling around and exchange ideas and opinions.

Reason 2 – Create opportunities
For employed workers or business owners, networking session is the perfect avenue to exchange name cards. You never know who you will bump into. Just grab the opportunity to mix around and share about anything under the sun. This can be very useful in the future if you decide to switch career. For job seekers (undergraduates or fresh graduates), treat this as another alternative to expand your horizon in every area. Anyway, you have nothing to lose since you are just starting off with your career.

Reason 3 – Personal branding
For job seekers/employee and employers alike, networking session is the place to build your own brand. Meaning to say, you let the public know about your associates and affiliates a little better. Therefore, for example when people start noticing you around talks and seminars in regards to IT technology, you will be branded as a tech enthusiast to them. Let them remember you the way you want to be remembered. You’ll never know what’s in store in the future.

Reason 4 – Exposure
Networking certainly can expose one to limitless opportunities besides the little things like self-learning. Going to events like Business Networking Event, BarCamp and TechNite (all supported by will challenge your mindset to many things. As speakers and those sharing in these events are experts in their own field, one can receive first-hand exposure from the right people. Best part of it, most events like these come with absolutely no cost at all. This information is easily accessible via the Internet. You just have to spend some time doing research and you’ll be surprised on the many events that may spark your interest.

Reason 5 – Improve confidence
Certain event worth mentioning is BarCamp where you get the chance to express yourself in the public about anything at all. Dubbed the “Lighting Talk” where you can speak on anything at all, this will give you the opportunity to improve your confidence by expressing your thoughts constructively. You can try even organizing events like these to further enhance your confidence level. Building self-confidence has no shortcut. One has to work on it on a daily basis and the results seen later will be tremendous.

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