is an online service to match freelancers or part-time job seekers with employers who have part-time jobs. We strive to assist employers to human resource needs, particularly part-time and freelance workforce. We have recently re-branded our site to "Your One-stop Talent Search Solution" where we promise to bring some best talents in the country at your convenience. We have divided the talent category to (i) Online Talent and (ii) Talent Placement.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
CEO Live@Studio V
Held in conjunction with the Trade & Career Fair (TCF) 2009 on 6th and 7th July at 1 Utama Shopping Centre, you stand a chance to sit in to witness this so-called "Mega Gathering" of CEOs from various industries. It is set to take place on the same days as TCF 2009 at Studio V. With so many speakers to choose from the big guys in their respective industry, you can never get this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity again!
Confirmed speakers so far are:
Financing in IT/Media & Advertising
1. Wayne Lim, CEO of MALAYSIA SME
2. Husni Salleh, CEO of Venture Capital Management Bhd (MAVCAP)
3. Dato’ Badlisham Ghazali, CEO of Multimedia Development Corporation (MDEC)
Community Service
1. Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir, Former President of Malaysia Aids Council
2. Dr. Hartini Zainudin, Consultant of Yayasan Salam Malaysia
3. Iqbal Rahim, CEO of National Children Welfare Foundation
Financing & Incubation
1. Omar Merican, COO of Bursa Malaysia
2. Nazrin Hassan, CEO of Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd
3. Andrew Wong, CEO of MCA ICT Resource Centre(MIRC)
Education, Training & Development
1. Roshan Thiran, CEO of Leaderonomics
2. See Hoon Peow, Principal of KBU International College
3. Datuk Vinod Shekhar, CEO of Petra Group
Business Process Outsourcing (BPOP) & Information Technology (IT)
1. David Wong, CEO of SNT Global
2. Munirah Looi, CEO of Valdo-Brandt International
3. Hanson Toh, Country Manager of Google Inc.
To participate, simply RSVP to according to the following details:
Full Name:
IC Number:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
Chosen Slot: (please select ONE only)
Question to [insert CEO name] from [insert category]:
Selected question with a RSVP to the CEO will stand a chance to sit in live in the sessions.
* Note: Priority will be given to those who RSVP. Then, entries to Studio V will be based on first come, first serve basis. Limited places are available. So, hurry up and RSVP today!
Here's the map to Studio V for your convenience: