Thursday, October 29, 2009

5 Ways to Motivate Yourself (part-time job seekers)!

Forced to work part-time during the holidays your parents? Boring? Not relevant to you? Fret not. Read on to see how some of these ways will change your perspective on working part-time once and for all. How exactly do you make part-time jobs as interesting as your other activities/hobbies that are exciting and engaging at the same time?

#1. Find out what motivates you
Ask yourself this simple question. Ask yourself what do you want in the future? By asking the question, you can relate your future goals to your present needs. For example, the part-timer says he/she wants to be an artist. Listen, acknowledge, and embrace the answer and realize that you can possibly apply your skills now by allowing yourself to create recognition posters (I know you are already doing these, right?), work on the organization newsletter, or any other art project that will benefit the organization you worked with. Ensure you use your hidden talent wisely and exploit it to the fullest extent.

#2. Orient yourself properly
Take time to learn job duties and go over what is allowed and not allowed, e.g., personal telephone calls, use of organization property, etc. This can avoid confusion and potentially embarrassing situations which will in turn demoralize yourself. Always double and triple check your job scope(s.

#3. Check yourself when communicating
Remember, for your part-timers, this may be your first experience in the workplace. You may be a little scared and may show it in a number of different ways (rebelling against requests, not working with others, or showing up late or not at all). Check yourself when communicating with your employer and colleagues so that they are always discussed with positive expectations so that both groups know you are glad to have them. It will go a long way to letting yourself feel motivated to be there.

#4. Pick a mentor
Even after proper orientation, you will be confused on certain occasion. It is common in most workplace. Assign yourself a full-time worker to be a mentor. The mentor will feel good about the added responsibility and you will feel more like part of the team. However, it is important to pick someone who is patient, has good communication skills and has the time to answer questions. Else, he/she will be nightmare!

#5. Eliminate hard feelings with employer/colleagues
Eliminate any perceived or real hard feelings between yourself and employer and/or colleague immediately if you one. For example, for full time staff working there, you can explain to them why you are bringing in part-time help and that their jobs are not being threatened. You can make jobs easier and working environment more peaceful with this habit.

If you follow these methods truthfully, we guarantee that you will be well on your way to realize that working part-time is not too bad after all. Basic rule: Learn everything that you possibly can and have fun along the way! =)

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